Eco-friendly Insect & Rodent Control Methods

Eco-friendly Insect & Rodent Control Methods
Application of eco-friendly insect control methods, such as insect repellents , food and pheromone traps and flying insect trapping devices with spare sticky sheets.
Even a simple disinsectization work in a space must be governed by specific principles and rules. The first and most important step is risk measurement, i.e. the pest type and stage of its biological life cycle, the scale of the infestation, the surrounding area, whether there are infants and animals on site or people with compromised health. After all this has been checked and recorded, the appropriate to each case control program is decided.
Especially in companies, where needs are greater and reputation and prestige are directly linked to the pest management and control method, let alone in food and drink premises, ADRAKOIL HELLAS guarantees 100% success in eliminating the problem, and -most importantly- in prevention methods.
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