They feed on lizards, eggs, insects, rodents, worms and amphibians. There are many species of snakes and only a few are poisonous (venomous) and dangerous to humans. In our country, these snakes are the Viper and the Adder. There are many species of snakes and only a few are poisonous (venomous) and dangerous to humans. In our country, these snakes are the Viper and the Adder. There are also snakes in our country whose venom is effective on their prey, but not harmful to humans (Cat snake, Balkan whip snake, Eastern Montpellier snake, Dahl’s whip snake).
Most snake species have poor vision. Snakes have developed thermal vision, whose sensors reside at the front of the snake’s head. The image seen by the snake does not have the detail of vision, but it can be very effective in the dark, forming the thermal outline of their target or potential predator.
Snakes also lack hearing. Instead, they can feel (not hear, just perceive) the sounds near them, as long as they are of low frequency.
However, their sense of smell is excellent and practically makes up for their lack of vision and hearing and helps them to sniff and perceive their prey and predators.
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