Ephestia Kuehniella (Mediterranean flour moth)
The size of this moth is about 20 mm, it has brown color with scattered small dark spots and it is nocturnal. During the day, it stands still on the walls of the warehouse or even on the products. The females lay 10-30 eggs. The larvae weave cases with silky threads in the infected product and feed and grow in them. Therefore, the larval droppings contaminate flour and cause fermentation, unpleasant odors, etc. They cause damage mainly to flour, cereal seeds, legumes, nuts, etc.
Plodia Interpunctella (or Indianmeal moth)
It is a polyphagous insect that infests nuts, starchy products, milk powder, cocoa, seeds, tobacco, etc.
The adult moth is 10-12 mm long, nocturnal and covers the surfaces of the infected products with webs.
The life span of the adult is 2-4 weeks, while the female lays about 400 eggs and thus its population increases 100 times a month.
It is the most common pest and is found almost everywhere.
Tineola Bisselliella (common clothes moth)
The adult insect is about 7 mm long, of golden-yellow color, with hair on the top of its head.
They lay an average of 40 to 50 eggs and die after completing the egg laying process.
The larva is the detrimental stage of the clothes moth.
It weaves tunnels on fabrics and its life cycle varies from 3 months to 1 year. When disturbed, instead of flying they run or jump. They are harmful, as they feed on clothes made of wool, carpets, handmade bedding and fabrics if they contain wool. They are found near the places where the infestation has occurred and they prefer handmade bedding under which they feed undisturbed.
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